Tech Training Info 2024

We are in a transition period at Trinity Lutheran Church. Dani Vogel will take over the coordination of worship technologies and Digital Ministries! This includes working with our advisory team, scheduling the Tech team for services, and helping with other digital ministry events and activities.
We will move into a new and exciting season with our Worship Technology assistants. We are including a link for a time for folks to attend a digital training session where we will be doing some hands-on training with our soundboard and video system. We will ask new folks to commit to two Sundays where they work alongside a seasoned veteran of video or sound, and then have them complete a solo session during a Saturday night service. Following the completion of these trainings, we will begin paying our Worship Technology Assistants for their help with our services.

Regular Sunday Services will be paid at a rate of $25.00 per Sunday. This includes arriving at 8:30 AM, completing your task area through service, switching the board over to the 10:30 AM service, and communicating any issues or needs before departing. For holiday services, Trinity will pay folks $35.00 per service worked. These holidays include the following days and may be expanded at the discretion of the church. This includes the same tasks as regular Sunday services, but times may vary.

  • Reformation Sunday
  • Christmas Pageant Sunday
  • Christmas Eve Services
  • Holy Week Services
  • Easter Sunday
  • Pentecost

Below is a link to our Google Form, with a question regarding a preferred training time, as well as a link to our Sign Up Genius for Worship Technology sign-up times.
