Catching Faith

August 4, 2023 Letter From Our Pastor By: Pastor Daniel Hanson

I have no memory of learning to play catch with a baseball and glove. I’m confident it was my dad who taught me. From watching and playing with him, I caught on to how to play catch. When I put my glove on to play for Trinity’s slow-pitch softball team, I don’t have to think about how to catch and throw the ball. Years of playing with Dad have made the throwing and catching motion an innate part of me. I don’t remember learning to play catch, but even though it’s been over a year since I last played, I still remember. It is as if no time has passed. 

At Trinity, one of our core values under Lifelong Faith Formation is that “Faith isn’t taught as much as it’s caught— through relationships, sharing, serving, and studying with others.”  In other words, faith is a lot more than knowledge in our head. Faith is learned from the example of others. It grows as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Faith is caught from trusted peers and mentors who witness to Jesus Christ in caring relationships, shared service, and exploring God’s Word

This summer, it has been awesome to see faith being “caught” at Trinity. I’ve seen it happen at  Vacation Bible School, with the caring witness of middle and high school volunteers. I’ve seen faith caught on our Youth Trip to Colorado, serving in Denver with our youth group alongside Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp counselors and worshipping together on the mountaintop.

It is a remarkable sight, almost as beautiful as the sound of a baseball striking a mitt. Faith is caught and becomes a part of us. How can you help Trinity be a place faith can be caught, not just taught? There are many opportunities to build new relationships, share in service, and study with one another! What are we waiting for?

Play ball!    


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