On My Desk – Pastor Daniel Hanson

June 3, 2024 On My Desk By: Pastor Daniel Hanson
Baptism Bulletin Pastor Daniel Hanson

While searching in an old box at my grandpa’s house, I found a treasure.  This treasure was a folded piece of paper, an old service bulletin from July 23, 1989, the day of my baptism.  My grandfather read from this piece of paper as he assisted in my baptism.  Upon this piece of paper was a promise from God spoken 34 years ago: “Daniel Wayne Hanson, child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever.” I keep this bulletin framed on my desk. 

Pastor Daniel being baptized

I keep it next to a picture from my baptism.  I admit, sometimes I forget this promise.  Sometimes life is overwhelming, disappointing, and discouraging.  I need to be reminded of the promise:  I am a child of God. God’s Holy Spirit is with me.  I am marked with the love of Jesus and his cross. And no one, nothing can take that away from me.  That is why I keep this old service bulletin framed on my desk.  So on the days it is hard to remember, a reminder of God’s promise is ever present.

I am slow at printing pictures, but soon I will add a picture of Micah’s baptism to the collection on my desk. I spoke the same promise to Micah: You are child of God. God’s Holy Spirit is with you. You are marked with the cross of Jesus and his love.  Nothing can take this promise away. 

Micah’s Baptism

This promise is also for you in the sacred waters of baptism. Whether it be with the splash of water on your face in the morning, making the sign of the cross on your forehead, or with an old photo, may you always remember this promise in baptism that holds us steadfast in God’s grace. 

In Christ, Pastor Daniel


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