13th Sunday after Pentecost – 2024

Date: August 18, 2024
Key Speaker: Pastor Daniel Hanson
Season: Time after Pentecost
Series: Summer Stories: Lessons You Learned as a Kid

Even if we don’t remember it, most of us recognize that we saw the world and people differently when we were young. We learned lessons that continue to shape us as adults. This eight-week series looks at familiar Sunday School stories and the truths that persist – or have changed – as we’ve grown older.

Moses & Pharaoh: A Sacred Showdown

What can match the might of the Pharaoh and the land of Egypt? Who shall depose the tyrant who oppresses and enslaves? Who shall confront the king who profits off the blood and sweat of those under his rule? All the gods of Egypt and the divine Pharaoh face off against the God of Jacob, who comes to rescue God’s people. Who shall be victorious in this sacred showdown? What is victory?
