15th Sunday after Pentecost – 2024

Date: September 1, 2024
Key Speaker: Pastor Daniel Hanson
Season: Time after Pentecost
Series: Heart & Soul: Five Facets of Faith

Even if we don’t remember it, most of us recognize that we saw the world and people differently when we were young. We learned lessons that continue to shape us as adults. This eight-week series looks at familiar Sunday School stories and the truths that persist – or have changed – as we’ve grown older.

Daniel and the Lion’s Den: Living Faith, No Matter the Cost

What is the cost of discipleship? Supply and demand curves won’t be helpful here. Daniel continues to practice his faith, even when he faces the lion’s den. Hopefully we won’t face a pit of hungry lions, but God does call us to say no to some things, in order to say yes to others. What sacrifices might we be called to make as we follow Jesus?
