Servant Spotlight

Welcome to the Servant Spotlight! Each month, this page will highlight a Trinity member who gives selflessly to others, using his or her talents to do God’s work. Check out our wonderful servants below!

June 13, 2022
Burton & Barb TeKippe
May 2, 2022
Prayer Shawl Ministry
April 4, 2022
Craig Remmen
March 11, 2022
Zach Hickey & Max Burt
February 9, 2022
Stu Vold
January 11, 2022
The Decorating Committee
December 8, 2021
Maria Meyer
November 8, 2021
Susan Schlitter and Sharon Lindgren
September 30, 2021
Liz Fitzgerald
August 31, 2021
Cathy Gomez