April 2025
Sunday April 6
- 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
- Sunday School
Sunday April 13
- 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
- Sunday School
Sunday April 27
- 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
- Sunday School
Please Note: Sunday School is in session from September to (the following) May every year.
Toddler Sunday School – Ages 0 to 2
Parents with children 0-2 are invited to Toddler Sunday School on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month from 9:15-10:00 AM in the nursery. Toddler Sunday School is a time of free play, Bible stories, activities, and an opportunity to connect with other parents. For more information, reach out to Pastor Daniel (daniel.hanson@trinity-mc.org).
Sunday School – Age 3 to Grade 12
Sunday School is the core of our Christian ministry. We meet each Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15 AM, fall through spring. Trinity is committed to welcoming all children, including children with special needs into our activities and programs. If you have any special concerns or want guidance so that your children have the best experience possible, please call Parish Nurse Becky Elsbernd or Education Director Marty Greder at 641-423-0536.
Attention all Trinity Lutheran Church Youth – Grades 7 & 8 through High School: Experience Sunday morning in a whole new way. Try it on for size in the Trinity Youth Room @ 9:15 AM on Sunday mornings!
Shepherd & Teacher positions are filling up fast but a few openings are available for the 2024-2025 Sunday School year. If interested, call Marty Greder, Director of Christian Education at 423-0536 or email at marty.greder@trinity-mc.org.
To teach/shepherd for the Trinity Sunday School program you must have a desire to share your gifts with children and all Teachers/Shepherds must be in high school. Any new volunteers will need to fill out a background check form according to Trinity guidelines.