The Opportunity of Invitation

September 1, 2023 Letter From Our Pastor By: Pastor Daniel Hanson

How many times in your life have you tried something new because someone invited you?

I can still remember when a member of a previous congregation I served invited me to accompany him to a service club meeting. That invitation later caused me to join the club and led to many fulfilling experiences and relationships I would not have had outside the club. I can also remember when I was a freshman in college and went to a worship service at the beginning of the school year by myself. I had barely sat down when some older students came over and invited me to sit with them. I had so many formative moments as a part of Campus Ministry at Wartburg, beginning with this moment of welcome. These might seem like small or insignificant invitations, but I still remember them today. They were moments that helped me imagine how I belonged in a space and in a community.

They helped spark a future I could not yet imagine.

Invitations make a difference. Sometimes, maybe even often, invitations are declined. But sometimes an invitation is the beginning of the most important relationships and moments of our lives. Trying out new things can be intimidating. The fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of whether or not we will be welcomed or belong, can be a barrier that stands in the way of us trying new things. Invitations can break down those barriers. One may not be sure if they belong in space or a group, but the certainty that they will be welcomed by a familiar person, and have a companion to share the experience, may make all the difference.

At Trinity, we are beginning a new season of fall programming. The transition from summer to autumn, from summer break to school starting, is upon us.
What a great time to try something new!

What a great opportunity to invite someone you know to come with you to worship, supper during Wednesday Night Alive, or the BASES exercise class (among the many opportunities you will find in this newsletter!). Who is someone in your life you could invite to share an experience together at Trinity?
Who could be a companion on your journey of faith?

Sometimes an invitation makes all the difference. It might be all it takes to break past a barrier and open the door to… well, who can say what God might create? In this changing season, what new experiences might we have together? Who might you invite to come alongside for the journey?

In Christ,


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