Vacation Bible School 2024 Recap

June 25, 2024 Youth By: Marty Greder
VBS Kids at Riverside

Led by four awesome Riverside Bible Camp Counselors, Trinity presented Cultivate Life, based on John 15:5: “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”. There were 16 preschoolers, 39 day campers, and 13 youth & adult helpers at Trinity June 10-13.

The Day Camp service project for the week was to bring items for the Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank. The young people this week brought 78 items the Food Bank needs the most. Special thanks to Lisa Wulf, who led the preschool for the week, the helpers for all the age groups, and all who provided snacks and supplies.

VBS Kids in Sanctuary

Thank you to Pastor Daniel (who spent his birthday traveling to Riverside in Story City for a day) and all the helpers who went with him! Big thanks to  John & Marcy Colvin who had the counselors for dinner and thanks to the Youth & Family Committee for hosting a walking-taco supper after Thursday’s closing celebration. A HUGE thank you to The Dettmers for providing housing and meals and a very good time for the counselors. Trinity is truly blessed to have such wonderful people who give of their time and talent to make this week possible!


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